California College of the Arts Illustration program
The Illustration program presents an array of images, objects, and digital media highlighting the diversity of contemporary practice of alumni and faculty. The collection includes sketchbooks, personal artwork, and unusual professional projects. The pieces express personal obsessions, original narratives, and diverse social and cultural perspectives. Much of the work falls outside the tradition of commissioned illustration for publication. Visitors will see paintings, virtual and augmented reality experiences, animations, sculptures, posters, comics, costumes, toys, murals, textile designs, and more. The CCA Illustration program gives students the tools, techniques, and conceptual skills to pursue unique creative paths. The show celebrates the breadth of expression possible when Illustrators are set loose in the world.
CCA Hubbell Street Galleries
Free and open to the public
Opening Reception: Thursday, November 7, 5:30–7:30pm
On View: November 4–December 13, 2019
Gallery hours: Mon.–Fri. noon-5pm; Thurs. noon–7:30pm